Barack Obama in Prague - review
"The Czech Republic has a long history of puppetry, puppet-making, and marionettes. Czech puppets have been a part of Czech tradition since the middle of the 18th century."
Today we saw the biggest puppet show ever held in Prague! The performance was not Czech, nor had it anything to do with Czech puppetry, but seems that they wanted to respect the tradition, so they arranged the only performance of this show in Europe to be held in the puppetry capital of Europe. Being "one time only", I too climbed up the hill to Prague castle and went to see the amazing show. I expected more from the script, even though the performance and delivery was amazingly good. The charisma, the Smile..all of that was there. My main problem with the monologue was, that I found it a bit unlogical and therefore hard to relate to.
I understand that Barack addressed the Czech people, and not everyone in the Europe, but I feel that this concerns us all. Like he said himself: "Nuclear missiles are threat to us all." And I agree.
Barack spoke about disarming the world from nuclear missiles, thus wiping out the last remains of the cold war. This is, of course, really good thing to do. But still, the way to do it is, according to Barack, to unite with USA, allowing them to build their military bases around Europe, thus contributing to the cause of pressuring certain countries to disarm themselves from nuclear weapons. Barack also said, that it is cowardice to oppose this action, cause it takes strength and will of power to defeat the evil that lurks in the world.
He said, that USA will start, as an example, to reduce their nuclear weapons, and this should inspire everyone else to do the same. Then he emphasized that every country that "breaks the rules" (in this missile-matter, like for example North Korea just did), has to face immediate consequences, they must be punished. But, USA will definitely keep an adequate resorts of nuclear missiles to be able to protect themselves from their enemies, he said.
I don't support nuclear missiles in any way, for sure, but neither do I appreciate this attitude of "you
are either with us, or against us". Because that does not differ in anyway from what Bush was preaching about few years ago. And If we want to unite against the "evil forces" why should that mean that everyone should allow USA to build their military bases around Europe? Couldn't they, just for example, build their own? I mean, who said that USA is the good guy? But oh yeah, a nation which doesn't have nc-missiles already is not allowed to have one (which of course is definitely a good thing.) but that would be breaking the rules.
For me, the country of USA doesn't look like one that everyone should follow, just looking at their internal matters, poverty, education, crime rates for example. If, say like Denmark or Sweden or something started to gather a group against the evil in the world, that group I could join.
And that the countries that brake the rules must be punished? Who makes these rules and who makes the punishments? USA? And, Barack said, that one nuclear missile in the hands of a single terrorist, could spread destruction in enormous amounts in the world, and just 5 minutes before that he had said that USA will definitely keep "sufficient supplies" of these missiles their selves..
So, the ending point would be, that no one else has any "big" missiles, but USA would have them, and in addition, bases all around Europe, ready for action...? What do you think, would they get rid of them at that point?
We should fight together, as free nations and individuals, for the freedom and peace on earth, said Barack. So let's do just that, let's unite, and respect each other. It can't be that either you agree with USA or you are considered as a coward or a terrorist.
All and all, it was a good show and I am happy to have been able to experience it.
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