tiistaina, syyskuuta 05, 2006

Big Changes

hello. Today I did some massive changes to the movie. It is now 24 minutes long and, as you might guess, we must say goodbye to some supporting roles. This was really hard thing to do. But screening today convinced me that this must be done.

It is a really funny thing you know. You do something, for so long, you don´t want to loose anything related to it. I love all the material, even the parts I hate. I couldn´t cut anything out. And still can´t, cause Im not sure what is the point in that. The movie won´t be anything like shortmovies made in Taik (my school) or any other school. It is not about the characters, eventough there is a lot of colorfull ones, not about the plot, not about the milieu..so what is it about? The movie is made from totally selfish reasons. Its my daydream from few years back. Its about a feel I had back then. Its a sum of things and events I think are cool. Nothing more. Even the characters, whichs leads to a certain problem about the womancharacters, which are suprisingly often considered as stupid and naive and some people have questioned my mental picture about women because of this. But I cannot understand that. this has nothing to do with that. The women are what they are supposed to be like in this kind of story. Why? Isint that a clisee? Yes!!. But from my point of view, the whole film is naive. No one stands on a bridge drinking red wine and sayin "these roads split the city in half" thats just stupid!! But anyway, I like the scene in my movie.
Im not trying to hide behind things or defend the movie from critisism. Or maby I am. Anyway, this was a test. A sample. what can be done..what not..youknow..I´ve said this before.

Still, After all this, there are still things that work, and things that dont. Today I got some opinions saying in short that "this movie is totally bad". so, that gave me some perspective.

Altough most of the critisism which I recieved were about things I had already thought about., there is something in that when you get some one else to say it. It is hard, you get angry and frustrated and you feel like saying "you dont understand anything! Shut up!" but at the same time, if you can keep calm and think about it, It is often the thing you wanted to hear. Why show it to anyone when its not finished if you want to hear just how good it is.

Now Im really embarassed about the versions I´ve shown to people. But I guess thats one of the lessons of this. Speaking of lessons, this has been a really interesting experiment. I now undestand bad films more! :) no, seriously, this is so allcovering project, you know, whole thing in my arms, almost. That, as I´ve said, this had to be done, to prevent mistakes like this in the future.

It is also overwhelming to see your self surrounded by clisee. A 22 year old art student made a shortfilm which is totally artsy, no connection to reality, bad dialogue and incomprihensible plot. Nudity is just missing.

I also found a wallet. It had 200 euros in it. I phoned the numberfinder and found the number of the person whos drivers license was in the wallet. He seemed a bit stressed about the situation and gave me 3 euros. Haha. Anyway I´m happy that I didn´t steal his money. Do good things and good things will happen.

3 kommenttia:

M:R kirjoitti...

In my opinion a "totally artsy short film with an incomprehensible plot etc." is about the only thing a 22 year old art student can make and be honest.
I faced same kind of a situation when I was a 20-year old Hesse-reading boy with a velvet jacket and melancholy mood...and now I study sociology, live in a community and look like a commie, and that's not even intentional.

Gotta love those clichés.

Antti Filppu kirjoitti...

"Today I got some opinions saying in short that 'this movie is totally bad'. so, that gave me some perspective."

Just wanted to comment as a fellow artist, the worst thing you could ever do is to listen someone else's opinions concerning your art (and it is all the more a bad thing if you're still in the making, if the process is still going on and the finish line still ahead; you are on your most vulnerable state at that point). Creativity is something too deep and too personal and too much on the move all the time that other peoples' opinions always and only just suck shit even when they "mean something good" with their words. Other people do not and can not know. Their truths become your lies.

when you learn from other people, there is a time and place for it, but usually it is NOT when you're already "doing your own thing"!

Trust yourself, you will see the big picture! whatever the vision, you will eventually see it!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Nowadays it's very hard to do the right thing when everyone else is doing the wrong....giving the wallet back was something that i really appreciate.Honesty is golden.
And when you're doing something that's close to your heart,no matter what it is,you should stand behind it and smile. In the end it doesn't matter what the others say..The only thing that matters is that it matters to you.hih.
