maanantaina, elokuuta 21, 2006

Editing..editing. a small break now

Now I will stop editing for few weeks. Today I started a swedish language class, cause it´s necessary to my BA-examination. (Probaply not a very good idea to write here in english now, it feels really hard, cause all day I´ve tried to switch my thinking to swedish). Also this week is the art goes kapakka festival, espoo cine festival, night of arts and on friday I´ve supposed to have a test on Rabiger: Directing documentary - book. Which I hate, and haven´t read trough yet. So a a busy week coming.
I named my film some days ago. I´m not sure about the english title yet, but the name in finnish is "Tänne ei voi jäädä" translated it means "One can not stay here".
I showed it to one young moviedirectorgenious, a classmate of mine. He laughed a lot and shook his head and said something like "What a cult-piece, I´d never had guts to do anything like this. Quite a spectacle." He also had some nice ideas about the beginning of the film. Then one of the actors and a dear friend of mine Juippi saw the film. He was truly impressed and said "When putting things in a certain perspective, this film is almost better than Predator, maby." (Predator is his favourite movie).
My parents also saw the latest version, they seemed a bit puzzled but happy about the fact that the shortfilm turned out to be something. They said that it doesn´t hide its feelings..or I don´t hide them.
So everything looks well. On sunday I met with Markku, the sound designer, he seemed also happy about the film and wanted to start working on it as soon as possible. that is good, but I´m still on the editing prosess, and It`ll take a while untill I can lock the picture.
The ending music is a big problem. I don´t know what to do with it.

1 kommentti:

Antti Filppu kirjoitti...

hahaa! joku spurgu makaa ojassa! oikein koiralle!